*Limited-time Special Offer:

Free Initial Consultation with Brett Stark DPM

Do not delay or suffer from foot & ankle pain any longer! You will receive a special voucher for FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION.

Brett Stark DPM will meet with you for his advice and suggestions.

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Welcome to Auburn Footcare Center, your minimally invasive foot & ankle specialists in Auburn.

We’re confident you’ll find an unmatched quality of care at Auburn Footcare Center, PC. Foot pain is never normal. Bearing the brunt of your entire body’s weight, when your feet ache, your entire body aches. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most foot and ankle problems can be treated successfully. We will listen to your symptoms and provide you with an individualized treatment plan to return you to those activities you enjoy the most!

Meet Dr. Brett Stark...

Auburn, Alabama Podiatrist

I am regularly asked by my patients and friends why I wanted to be a foot doctor and look at stinky feet all day. I always respond that I think feet are an amazing piece of machinery which hold up the entire body containing over one-fourth of the total number of bones in the human body.

When I was around eight years old, my uncle, who was a dental surgeon, would come to visit us and I was fascinated with what he learned and what he could do for other people. When I was 11 years old, I went to stay with him for the summer and I visited his office several times. The patient interaction, the opportunity to gain education and to continually learn especially the human body, impacted me so greatly that I decided then and there that I wanted to be a physician myself.

I visited several doctors and worked in a physical therapy clinic for 2 years while completing my pre-med requirements at the University of Utah. I became fascinated with the foot cases that came in the clinic and while working there, visited some of the premier podiatrists in Salt Lake City including a trainer for the Utah Jazz who was a podiatrist.

While attending the University of Utah, I met my wife Carol, who was at the time working on a master’s degree. We have four children, Daniel, Jessica, Melissa and Christina who are the spotlight of our life and who have all spent time working in the family business at Auburn Foot Care Center themselves.

Since we are family oriented, we strive to provide a personal family atmosphere and personal touch at our clinic. Our goal is to provide each patient with the latest and most effective treatment that is individualized to that particular patients’ needs. We focus on treating the disease, not just symptoms and we love transforming painful feet into happy feet.

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Do you want to find out if our non-surgical or minimally invasive surgery options may be able to help you? For a very limited time,

we are offering 20 Vouchers for FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION...

Please click the button below to claim the voucher.

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